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Vol. 6 The Middle English Prose Translation of Roger d’Argenteuil’s Bible en François

Edited by Phyllis Moe (1977). Edition from MS Cleveland Public Library. MS W q091.92-c468 This anonymous Middle English work, which is found only in Cleveland Public Library, MS W q091.92–C468, ff. 77r–99v (formerly in Lord Aldenham’s library) throws light on the art of translation in the fifteenth century. Its original is an unedited French theological work that contains not only… Read More »Vol. 6 The Middle English Prose Translation of Roger d’Argenteuil’s Bible en François

Vol. 5 The Metrical Life of Christ

Purchase this volume Edited by Walter Sauer (1977). Edited from MS BM Add. 39996 Walter Sauer (ed.) The Metrical Life of Christ (mid fifteenth century) is a unique text of 5519 lines in short rhymed couplets. Its anonymous author has combined the main Gospel episodes with traditional, apocryphal and legendary material to form a continuous narrative which, however, still betrays… Read More »Vol. 5 The Metrical Life of Christ

Vol. 4 An East Midland Revision of the South English Legendary

Purchase this volume Edited by Manfred Görlach (1976) A selection from MS C.U.L Add. 3039. Manfred Görlach (ed.) By the early fifteenth century the South English Legendary had spread from its original home in SW England to the East Midlands.  It is now difficult to determine how popular the collection was in these regions before the verse texts were superseded… Read More »Vol. 4 An East Midland Revision of the South English Legendary

Vol. 3 The Quare of Jelusy

Edited from MS Bodley Arch. Seld. B. 24 Edited by John Norton-Smith and Imogen Pravda This early Scottish Framed Amatory Complaint (preserved only in Bodley MS Arch. Seld. B. 24) combines the crisp style of Chaucer’s Canterburian couplets with Lydgate’s stanzaic rhetorical and phraseological looseness. Although containing many Lydgatian features (lack of connection between author and complainer, superficial philosophical concerns,… Read More »Vol. 3 The Quare of Jelusy

Vol. 2 Norman F. Blake Caxton’s Quattuor Sermones

Edited from the first edition, 1483 Quattuor Sermones is often associated with Mirk’s Festial, but it is uncertain whether a connection had already been established by the time Caxton printed it is 1483.  Essentially, Quattuor Sermones is a version of the English translation of Archbishop Thoresby’s Catechism, known variously as John Gaytryge’s Sermon or the Lay Folk’s Catechism.  But it… Read More »Vol. 2 Norman F. Blake Caxton’s Quattuor Sermones

Vol. 1 The South English Nativity of Mary and Christ

Purchase this volume Edited by OS Pickering FROM BL MS Stowe 949 (1975) OS Pickering (ed.) The Nativity of Mary and Christ is the original late thirteenth-century Nativity poem of the Southern temporale, the group of poems analysed by Pickering in Anglia, 91 (1973).  It is extant in nine manuscripts representing three versions (A, B, C), and is here edited… Read More »Vol. 1 The South English Nativity of Mary and Christ