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Vol. 48 The Middle English ‘Liber Aureus and Gospel of Nicodemus’

Purchase this volume Edited from London, British Library, MS Egerton 2658 William Marx (ed.) Apart from Nicholas Love’s ‘Mirror of the Blessed Life of Jesus Christ’, the pseudo-Bonaventuran ‘Meditationes Vitae Christi’ was the basis for a number of other Middle English texts in verse and prose. The ‘Liber Aureus and Gospel of Nicodemus’, which survives in three manuscripts and a… Read More »Vol. 48 The Middle English ‘Liber Aureus and Gospel of Nicodemus’

Vol. 30 La Estorie del Evangelie

Purchase this volume A parallel-text edition. Celia Millward (ed.)  La Estorie del Evangelie is a metrical life of Christ based on the gospels, probably first composed in Norfolk in the late thirteenth century. Despite the French title no source in French has been identified, and the poem is likely to be an original English work. It was apparently popular, as… Read More »Vol. 30 La Estorie del Evangelie