Edited by Christina von Nolcken (1979). A Selection Edition from Cambridge, Gonville and Caius College MS 3564/581
The Rosarium Theologie belongs to that extensive class which can be described as theological dictionaries or alphabetical collections of common places. It is the most important version of a text which survives in several other forms, the longest and earliest being the Floretum, compiled probably in Oxford at some time between 1384 and 1396. No version has hitherto been edited. The Floretum / Rosarium group is particularly important in the history of Lollardy. Evidently instrumental in disseminating Wycliffite commonplaces outside the University, it was drawn upon extensively by the writers of Lollard tracts and sermons. The present edition is based on the unique manuscript of the translation of the Rosarium into Middle English; the selections illustrate the Wycliffite interest. The edited text is accompanied by textual, linguistic and historical comment, details of the sources, and an outline of how the Floretum / Rosarium group was used.
This volume is currently out of print.